September 2023 – Isle of Wight, UK.
The first weekend in September saw the annual Bournemouth Airshow take place on the South Coast of England. One of the participants was the Rockwell OV-10B Bronco, expertly flown by the magnificent Tony de Bruyn.
I was amongst a lucky few who had a chance to fly alongside Tony over the magnificent scenery of the Isle Of Wight. Our photoshop was the trust Caravan used by my good friends from the Centre of Aviation Photography

Weather conditions had almost put pay to our flight throughout the day but, thankfully, conditions changed and we were able to get airborne late afternoon and ready for our sortie. Unusually we had very little time to prepare, but expertly guided by Rich and Steve we assumed positions.
Sadly we were supposed to meet up with the Norwegian Vampire but he had completed his display early and had to leave the area so were were left with just the Bronco.
After displaying on the seafront, Tony met up with us and expertly guided his charge alongside our camera ship allowing me to capture these terrific images.
It was really hard work trying to get photo’s whilst undertaking such steep turns, it left me quite exhausted!!
Really hope that you like these photos, a good record of a great afternoon!